Santa Cruz Chinese Food Restaurants
The Asian scene in Santa Cruz is as vibrant as it is everywhere else in the state of California. The entire region serves as a melting pot of sorts, which is reflected in the various types of cuisine available here (ranging from Italian to sushi restaurants). Santa Cruz offers a number of options in terms of Chinese dining. Here is our recommendations for Chinese Santa Cruz restaurants:
Little Shanghai is one such restaurant, situated in downtown directly off of Pacific Avenue. This is a local favorite and is among the oldest of family-owned restaurants in Santa Cruz. The menu is fairly expansive, from Chow Mein to Gan Bien String Beans to Tang Tzu Ribs. You can even find the classics on the menu, including General Tao Chicken, which can be washed down with one of the imported beers offered at Little Shanghai.
If fresh is what you’re after, then another Santa Cruz Chinese restaurant, Shun Feng, is a great option. The ambiance here is very welcoming and warm, and the ingredients are specifically chosen for their freshness and for what they bring to each dish in which they are utilized. The restaurant focuses on cooking health Chinese fare, which is a key component of the active and recreational Santa Cruz lifestyle.
If you want to go organic, then Charlie Hong Kong is your best option. Situated on one of the busier street corners in Santa Cruz, the idea of Charlie Hong Kong is to offer a neighborhood-style eatery that offers Asian fare in the organic realm. In fact, the restaurant boasts a similar option to what you might find from a street vendor in Southeast Asia, which makes it just that much authentic and delicious. The part of the menu that makes Charlie Hong Kong stand out from other Asian restaurants in the city is the fact that it offers a vegan-based menu as well for those that are interested in just what they are putting into their bodies.
Santa Cruz is home to a smattering of other Chinese restaurants. The key to finding the one that pleases your palate best is just to give them all a try and figure out which of them makes the dishes you enjoy most.